Age at time of disappearence: 21 years
Hair: Blonde
Eye: Hazel
Weight: 120-130 lbs
Height: 5’6” – 5’7”
Missing From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Ears pierced several times, pierced right eyebrow, small nose ring
Jessie's family have not heard from her since March 28, 2006. Her former boyfriend (person of interest) states the last time he saw Jessie was on April 03, 2006. He has stated, she packed her belongings and left never to be seen again. She has not used her cell phone or accessed her bank accounts since March 28,2006.
Jessie is from Canada and traveled to Las Vegas, deciding to live there. While still in Canada she met a woman who she thought of as a friend. This woman introduced her to a man, who Jessie would later refer to as her boyfriend. He may have been nothing more to Jessie than her pimp. She may have been the victim of an international human trafficking ring. She could be any where, keep this in mind if you are looking at unidentified persons.
Jessie's family has created a very informative and loving website to help in the search for their daughter. Please go here and see what you can do to help this family. Jessie Fosters Missing Website
A message from Jessie's Mom: This is to whoever took her, or has her, or knows where she is. PLEASE, you have to understand that Jessie is loved, wanted, missed and needed back by her family and friends. We NEED her. She is part of us and without her there is a huge, huge hole. It is unbelievable how big of a hole such a tiny girl can make when she is not there. When she is missing from her family, from her place in our lives where she belongs. GIVE HER BACK TO US. Give her back to me. I am her mommy and I need my baby back, PLEASE. Jessie is a wonderful person with a huge heart and you do not need her like we do. We promise that if someone contacts us with information about Jessie’s whereabouts we will keep it confidential and you will not be involved if you choose not to be. Please call Crime Stoppers or the North Las Vegas Police or even call your local police agency and they can get the information to us.
Las Vegas Detectives
Mike Kirkman
Phone (702) 897-6820
Email: lvdetectives@cox.net
National Crime Identification Number: M-535642358